Sunday, February 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've Been Tagged...I've been tagged by Abby and sis and since this is the first time I have ever been tagged I will go ahead and do it!
Here is how this one works.
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 other people and posts there names. And then leaves a message on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.
What I was doing 10 years ago...
10 Years ago I was 12. So I was the coolest girl int Mrs. Johnsons 6th Grade class! ha ha ha I had a boyfriend who was a year younger than me named Zack. Burk Elementary Rocked!
5 Things on my "To-Do" list today...
1. Take a nap
2. Try to keep Kyson on his schedule
3. Go to family dinner at my moms
4. Spend time with Kurtis
5. Take a shower
3 Bad habits I have...
1. Being on the computer/internet
2. Not folding laundry!!!(Me to Ashlee!!)
3. Being to hard on myself
Places I have lived...
Mesa, AZ
Queen Creek, AZ
Thatcher, AZ
Things Most people don't know about me...
Gosh I have no idea what to put here. I am a pretty honest and open person. Atleast I think I am. Lets see...I hav an old obsession with the Backstreet Boys! :)
I tag....Amy, Tenay, Kirsi, Coartney, Brianna (if Ashlee didn't tag you)

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