Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Night From Hell

Where should I start. Alright the beginning. I didn't think much of Kyson not sleeping during the day. He had skipped a couple naps before and was still fine. Well I just laid down for my own nap. THought he should sleep until 5pm I can sleep for 2 hours. WRONG! He woke up at 4:30pm. So I didn't feed him until 5pm. Because I am trying to keep him on a schedule. Wll he didn't fall back to sleep like he normally does after a fedding. He cried. Well I could get him to calm down but only if I held him. All day he wanted to be held. I couldn't put him down. Well 7pm rols around and I think ok...2 hours I will feed you. He still didn't fall alseep. Kurtis ssent me to the store to get out of the house. By the time I got home he had put Kyson down. Well in hisswing so we knew that moving him would wake him. Well we took our chance. 9pm he was up again. So I fed him. He was dry, he had been assing gas and pooping just fine allll day! He didn't have a fever. So what could be wrong other than him being tired? So I read this book and it said to let them cry. Ithealthy. Let them cry in there crib. After 10mins Kurtis couldn't take it anymore and picked him up. 2 hours later we tried that again. He just cried for 20mins...screaming. Kurtis took him for a car ride and he slept but as soon as he stopped he woke up. Ihad pumpe earlier that day and was in no mood to try and breast feed. So I gave him a bottle. He ate half of it ( 2 ounes) and passed out. Finally he was asleep. Now it was putting him in his crib. We did and walked away. Kurtis was out like a was 1:30am and he needed to go to work. I laid in bed just waiting for him to cry. Well...he didn't!! He woke up at 7:30am. Now. What the hell is that all about?! I mean thank you from the bottom of my heart for 6 hours of straight sleep. But dd he sleep that long because he cried so much? Because he was so overly tired? I know it will probably happen again but I have HIGH hopes that we don't have another 7-8 hours crying fest.


Amy J said...

I hope this isn't discouraging, but maybe he isn't getting enough when he's nursing. I had that problem with Payton, I thought she was, and then she would cry... I thought I just fed you (and she'd nurse for like an hour!) Then I went to the doctor and found out she was losing weight. I think it was a combination of her not latching on right and having a low milk supply, so I put her on formula while I pumped and got my milk supply up. Now that she's getting full she isn't so fussy and sleeps longer! There are so many different opinions on letting babies cry it out...that's what we thought too, but I read that in the first few months, you can't give them enough attention, and if they cry it's for a reason. However not letting them fall asleep on their on can create a habbit of needing help to fall asleep. I guess it just takes getting that mommy intuition and learning what works! I don't know if this helps at all...sorry it's so long!

Ashlee said...

Don't you just love those nights when they sleep for that long. Oh I did. I can't give much advice, cuz I'm not the best parent myself. But you sound like you have the hang of it. I've also heard that in the first couple of months you can't give them too much attention and the cry is for a reason, I agree with that. keep up the good work, you guys are great parents and you'll get it down pat!

Brianna Avery said...

That happened a lot with Cali. I have heard that a lot of times it is because they have growing pains and things like that. I used to have to swaddle Cali super tight. She did that quite a few times, but it does come from being held too much too. Make sure to give him plenty of his own play time on the floor or in his swing or things like that.

taytum said...

My little brother was a baby with colic(?) and he was a crier. Many a night were spent driving around with him in his car seat. Finally my parents figured out that if they would put him in his car seat and then set it on top of the dryer and turn it on that would do the trick just as well.