Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One week down

One week down and on to the next. It is hard to believe that Kyson is here and has been in our home now for a week, in our lives for a week and 3 days. I knew that this was going to be hard. But it is mostly just the feeding that has gotten tough. He sure does look like his dad. And is th most adoreable thing. I could stare at him for hours. He smiles when he is sleeping. And can hold his head up SO well. He will just sit there and stare at you back sometimes too. I love it. But there are hard parts. Ones that I never thought I would have to deal with. The thought just never crosses my mind.

We have finally gotten over having to use a shield. He was bottle fed for the first 5 days of his life so he would only feed with a shield. But Sunday was a magical day. He started feeding with me. But that night also started him being fussy. Ever since 8pm that night every night now he gets fussy and wont eat. He will attach for about 2 mins then cry. And so on and so forth. I don’t know what to do about that other than let him cry it out. It takes about an hour to feed him with all of his fussiness.

He has horrible gas. I know that it is very painful for him. I have no idea as to what triggers it. He has been like that since before my breast milk. So it could very possibly be something other than me or it could be me. Any ideas on what helps?

He would burp like a beer guzzler when he was on formula. But now that he is on BM he rarely burps. I have to force it out of him. It takes a very long time.

All in all my biggest struggle…FEEDING! He does not feed as long as he should either. He falls asleep. So I have taken to tickling, blowing in his face, sprinkling water on him. Anything! And rarely does it work.

I have gotten it down that he will sleep every two to three hours during the day. But it seems like he doesn’t like his crib or something because he won’t sleep. I know right it takes time. He is only a week old. But it should start to get somewhat better right??

Now I may seem like I am complaining and unhappy. No. I am just a new mother. I keep telling myself that I am doing a good job but hormones. They are horrible! I must say I have to fight back those pointless tears a lot.


Mauzy Fam said...

It DOES get better. Just keep up with it and you'll notice many changes in a month or so. He's only a week old - you'll both get it before you know it. Good luck - he's adorable and I'm sure you are a great mama!

Amy J said...

Grr... I just wrote you a novel and got disconnected...in a nutshell:

Gas- you might want to try to cut out dairy. Payton has been really gassy and has done better since I've cut back on dairy and she isn't getting as much of the milk based formula.

Burps- they don't swallow as much air when they are breastfeeding as when being bottlefed, so they don't burp as much.

And seriously, who knew breastfeeding would be SO hard, it's supposed to be so natural..shouldn't it COME naturally!

Don't be afraid to cry! I did a lot in the first two weeks,especially over feeings, and I still cry over dumb things every now and then, but it gets better!

You are doing great! Let me know if you need anything, good luck!

Brianna Avery said...

Welcome to mommyville! I cried over really goofy things after I had karsen. I HATE the hormones afterwards! Breastfeeding takes time that's for sure and sometimes it's just the kid and their personality so it may never get better. Sorry. Keep trying though and he will eventually get it. It can only go up from here. Have you tried mylicon drops yet for his gas? Those work really well. As far as sleeping goes have you tried swaddling him really well? That makes a big difference and if you put rolled up blankets next to him it will make him feel like he's being held. Sometimes if you use a sound machine that works too. SOrry this was so long. If you need any help let me know and I can come over or if you want another adult to talk to I'm here too. Remember it can only get better from here. Once your six weeks are over it you will feel a lot better!

Coartney Wright said...

your baby boy is so cute! it is so funny how they change so fast! with the gas problem i would try mylicon my doc. said it was totally safe for infants we gave it to mckayla for a few days. put it in a bottle nipple and let him stuck it out every 4 to 6 hours. that might help! good luck with the breast feeding and sleeping my little girls go down for a nap from like 1 to 3p so if you want to bring your little one over so you can get some sleep i would be happy to help!! and just come over for playtime but really adult talk time, i have come to find i really miss adult conversations!! and nick wonders why i talk his head off when he comes home!! love ya good luck and call anytime!

taytum said...

I so wish I could offer advice but I really can't. In a few months though, I am sure you will be helping ME out.

Coartney Wright said...

i have the book babywise if you want to borrow it. but i dont know how i worked the whole nap thing my girls just did it on there own!