Yesterday was Day One!! I didn't get any pictures because he was always going by himself and not telling me he was going. He did have one accident but quickly realized he was peeing and ran to the potty to finish up.
Today is Day Two!! and he decided he wanted to wear his Big Boy Underwear...We had one incident where he went to the potty with his underwear still on so I had to tell him he had to take them off. The next time he told me he needed to go and so I finally got some pictures!! 

We talked about it alot and finally Monday we ran out of diapers. He definately searched the house for diapers..but he did it! He got 7 stickers yesterday!
And today..first thing he did was go Poo Poo on the Potty!!
He wears Pull Ups to bed..we are no where near close to that but I LOVE not having to change him all throughout the day. We will see how he does in public someday soon.
But as for right now...He is doing GREAT and I couldn't be more Proud!!
Happy 25th Birthday! Looks like your had a great time! I'm so jealous of Kyson and his potty abilities. I swear my kid is slow to learn or do anything. I hope the second time she gets it.
yay for no diapers! that's such a huge accomplishment! enjoy no diapers while you can! yay kyson!
Nice job Karissa! I've been completely dragging my feet with Cooper. Do you have any good advice? What's work best for you?
Go Kyson! That's so exciting!
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