Stats: 15.6lbs of pure lovin!
26 1/4 inchs of handsomeness!
My baby boy doesn't seem like a baby to me now with the birth of our brand new nephew. But he is I know IT! He doesn't seem to have any desire to crawl. He seems to cryout in frustration. lol He can sit by himself for a few minutes but then will fall over. He absolutely positively LOVES to stand. Stand him on a chair, your lap, infront of a mirror you name it. If it doesn't perk up him mood..he is either, dirty, tired or hungry. He LOVES the ABC's. Yes weird. I guess he likes how I sing it because it always calms him down. If that doesn't work, the sound of his daddys voice over the phone will work too.
Foods: Loves: Sweet Potatoes and Rice Cereal
Hates: Green Beans
He is sleeping 11hours a night now! Which I can't express how much that means to me. He does wake up at about 2,3 OR 4.... and I know I shouldn't let him eat but I do feed him for about 5-10 mins. I have tried to let him cry it out 2 times now and nodda. I will keep on at it though because I know he shouldn't be needing that feeding anymore.
He was put on a new medication yesterday. We are picking it up in a few hours. I hope this will help him with his spitting up. If not...I am at my wits end. I just can't wait until the acid reflux is gone and he has no more pains. The pediatritian seems to think that an Upper GI might be a good idea so we are going in for that August 4th. That will tell us if he has a blockage. Which part of my thinks he doesn't..but yet again he does spit up sometimes and it comes out his nose or it gets stopped up in there and he chokes a bit.
I believe that is all for now folks!