Thursday, December 6, 2007

35 Week Check Up

Todays Drs appointment went GREAT! Well it calmed my nerves and then it brought some things to our attention as well.

First...U/S..Kyson is HEAD DOWN! YAY! I guess not every woman will be able to tell when they flip. And a part of me thought me might have while I was sleeping one night. So yay!
Second...His size. Estimated...a whoping 6.5lbs! Yes. Big. He is measuring to be 3 weeks ahead now. He has a long torso and a bigger than normal head. So this means that I will most likely have to be enduced. He scheduled another u/s for me.
I am now in my once a week appointments. YAY! Its getting so close its crazy!
Third...they measured the fluid around Kyson. And I don't remember the exact numbers but normal is 8 or above. . . and we are at a 7. SO I have to DRINK DRINK DRINK...and he is going to measure it again next week. If it continues to go down it could mean....
1. Be admited into the hospital
2. Bed rest at home
3. Or being enduced much earlier
But for him to take the baby early would mean my level would have to drop to a 4 or below. Something like that. He didn't have a name for I can't tell you anything beyond that. And I am retaining water really bad since yesterday so I think that might have something to do with it being low today. It could also mean that Kyson isn't peeing in the bag.
But they did that test what he called Macho Test today...meaning if he moved, if he flexed and so on. And he scored and 8 out of 8 so that means he isn't worried.
He also has me looking for signs of my amniotic fluid leaking..and its not. I am not bleeding or contracting either which made him think it could all be nothing but just low today. So that was my appointment! All in all I feel good about it...and I am SOOO Happy that he is head down. I know that I can atleast try to push him out


Amy J said...

That's so exciting! How crazy that you are 3 weeks ahead! Lucky you if you get to have him early, as long as he's healthy ofcourse! Keep us updated!

taytum said...

I am so excited for you guys. I hope everything goes smoothly. I am sure that it will!

Anonymous said...

that is exciting, yea!

Heidi said...

OUCH! That is all I have to say.